There will be no Sunday school February 9th. Children are to join their family in worship.
The nursery will operate as normal for children 2-years-old and under.
Sunday Mornings
Nursery is available at both services for ages 0 to 4 years old.
Sunday School is offered during both services for ages 4 years old through fifth grade. We strive to create a church and home connection utilizing the Orange Curriculum. “The Orange Strategy aligns leaders and parents to create a community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others.” Through meaningful and fun learning experiences, home devotionals, and family-oriented events, we strive to build a love of God in the hearts of our children.
Communion and Worship Preparation Class for Children
All baptized children, 2nd grade and older, are invited, with their parent’s guidance and determination of readiness, to participate in the sacrament of communion. To help with this preparation and to ensure that children indeed are able to respond “yes” that Jesus is their Savior and Lord, which is the audience the sacrament is intended for, we offer an annual class to help children understand who it is we’re worshiping, what it means to worship, and what the sacraments of baptism and communion represent.
The class is designed for children in 2nd through 5th grades.