Prayer Shawls
Do you know someone who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, a throw, or an afghan? These are welcomed by those who have an illness, such as cancer, or for joyous occasions like the birth of a baby. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry would love to provide these to our church family! Please contact: Barbara Stephens,
Prayer Support
There are many ways you can seek and engage in prayer at GBPC:
Pastors’ aides meet with the pastors weekly, and the deacons meet monthly, to pray for the needs of church members. Contact the church office (547-4706) for more information about any of these ministries.
GBPC Deacons want to fulfill and build on the Biblical calling of Luke 10:29-37. We desire to serve those in need with Christ’s love, compassion, and mercy, following the example of the Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho. If you have a need, please contact one of the following church members who are willing to talk about how the church can help. The printed prayer covenant is now available on the Information ledge outside the Fellowship Hall.
Wayne Stover (989-430-8379)
Dave Randall (757-636-4389)
Marianne Chalk (607-794-4227)