Baptism and Communion are the two sacraments we celebrate as a Presbyterian Church. A sacrament is something we do outwardly that we believe reflects an inward work of grace in our hearts
Baptism is the sign and seal of incorporation into Christ. Presbyterians believe Baptism the beginning of life in Christ, not its completion. Both believers and their children are included in God’s covenant love. Baptism, whether administered to those who profess their faith or to those presented for Baptism as children, is one and the same sacrament. Baptism is received only once, though there may be many times throughout one’s life to reaffirm the commitments made at Baptism. As there is one body, there is one Baptism. (Eph. 4:4-6). The PCUSA recognizes all Baptisms with water in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit administered by other Christian churches. Baptism is celebrated in a service of public worship.
Please contact the church office to set up an individual counseling session on the meaning of baptism.
Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper with his disciples, encouraging them to continue in this meal together to remember his sacrifice for them, which is represented in the bread, symbolizing his body, and the juice, symbolizing his blood. Our communion table is open to anyone who has placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and we celebrate communion the first Sunday of every month. We provide an annual class to help children understand the meaning of this important action.