GBPC members may nominate other members or may self-nominate. Nomination forms can be found in the Narthex or can be submitted HERE:
The Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC) seeks individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and are willing to serve Christ’s Church as officers (elders and deacons.) These individuals must be active members of GBPC and are elected for three year terms which begin in June. Serving as an elder or deacon requires a substantial commitment to the work of Christ through GBPC. Nomination forms can be found in the narthex, the link provided here, or the QR code in the weekly bulletins. Nominations are due November 18th. |
Commitment & Qualifications
The Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC) seeks individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are willing to serve Christ’s Church as officers (elders and deacons.) These individuals must be active members of Great Bridge Presbyterian Church. They are ordinarily elected for a 3-year term which begins in June. Serving as an elder or deacon requires a substantial commitment to the work of Christ through Great Bridge Presbyterian Church.
Seeking God’s Servants
The Book of Order states that every congregation shall elect men and women from among its active members, giving fair representation to persons of all ages and all racial ethnic groups of the congregation. Full opportunity shall be given to the congregation for nominations by any active member of the church both prior to and during the congregational meeting.
Biblical Leadership
Guidelines for Christian leadership are found principally in three New Testament passages: 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4. Generally, these passages talk about the character of biblical leaders, including evidence of grace and compassion in common life within the family, at work and in the world. Biblical leaders should also be mature in their relationship with Jesus Christ and have demonstrated some effectiveness in ministry in the church and in the world. Examples of this may be found in:
Other personal characteristics include leadership ability, flexibility, willingness to learn, openness to new ideas, readiness to listen, availability, and ability to follow through on commitments.
Elders constitute the Session, our governing body. They provide spiritual leadership, make all policy decisions and serve as the congregational authority on all church matters. They oversee the budget process and are responsible for financial and personnel matters of the church.
Elders serve as “liaisons” with ministry teams and ministry team leaders, providing spiritual support and guidance.
Elders meet monthly the third Tuesday of the month. At times, there may be additional special meetings. GBPC also sends elders to quarterly presbytery meetings. In addition to meetings, time is required to meet the obligations of the role whatever they may be.
Deacons fulfill and build on the Biblical calling of Luke 10:29-37, serving the needs of those in the congregation and the community with Christ’s love, compassion and mercy, following the example of the Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho.
All congregants members or non-members (regularly worshiping at GBPC) whether in a Life/Small group or not are being assigned a Deacon.
Deacons meet the first Tuesday of every month. Additional time is involved in making calls and visits to members of a deacon’s “flock,” primarily in response to joys and concerns of which the deacon has been made aware.
Both elders and deacons have the privilege of preparing and serving communion and making themselves available to pray with members of the congregation.