Our Community

Adopt A Senior at Cambridge Square has begun! To receive a senior’s name and wish list, see Sandy Sayre in Fellowship Hall between the services or email her at sandysayre0303@gmail.com.
Directions for Shopping and Delivering Gifts Be sure you have signed up and let Sandy know whose name you have. Include your contact information. Gifts do not need to be extravagant. Residents are on limited incomes, and most are elderly with a range of disabilities. Many have asked for basic household supplies. Each gift should be wrapped and labeled. EVEN TOILET PAPER!! Please use the resident’s name and their building and apartment to avoid any mix ups. Maybe think of creative ways to wrap gifts in reusable materials (hand towel? Small blanket? Pillowcase? Reusable shopping bags?) Place all presents in a large gift bag. Label the bag with the resident’s name, building, & apartment number. Drop gifts off at GBPC (333 Cedar Rd) during regular office hours, Mon-Fri, OR Sandy Sayre’s house, 508 Wessex Drive, Chesapeake 23322 (in Pines of Warrick neighborhood) 757-285-5601

GBPC is Collecting Eyeglasses & Pill Bottles

Please bring eyeglasses and clean, empty pill bottles in for collection in the Narthex. The eyeglasses are for the Lion’s Club Recycle for Sight program. The bottles are for Mathew 25 Ministries. For more information, contact Sandy Sayre at 757.285.5601 or sandysayre0303@gmail.com.

Prayer Shawls and Blankets to Comfort Cancer Patients

These prayer shawls and blankets were donated by the GBPC Prayer Shawl Ministry to comfort patients at the Cancer Infusion Center of Portsmouth Naval Hospital.

Interested in making the shawls and blankets? Join the GBPC’s Prayer Shawl Ministry on the second Wednesday of the month.

Contact Barbara Stephens for more information. barbarahs@cox.net

The Outreach Ministry Team needs YOU!

GBPC’s Outreach Ministry Team is calling for volunteers to assist with brainstorming ideas and implementing plans for evangelism and outreach to the community to share the love of Christ.

We coordinate or assist with events such as GBPC’s Christmas parade presence, Trunk or Treat, VBS, and the upcoming Fall Kickoff, among many others. 

We also provide giveaways at Christmas Eve (remember the hot chocolate?) and for Holy Week and Easter.

Contact Lin Peters at 757-338-5381 or at linpeters06@gmail.com for more information or to join!

PEVA Seeks Campus House Caretaker/ Facility Manager for ODU House on 47th Street Norfolk

1099 Contracted Position; 5-10 hours per week. Major responsibilities include coordinating contractors for major maintenance tasks, lawn upkeep (mowing, leaves, snow), responding to tenant maintenance requests, overseeing move-out cleans and move-in inspections, and general handy tasks as needed.

Contact – Jessica Fitzgerald jessica@pcusa-peva.org

Volunteer Puppy Raisers Needed!

We love our Demo! If you could see yourself training a service dog, like Demo, Mutts with a Mission is looking for you!

For more information contact Mutts with a Mission:757.465.1033; www.muttswithamission.org;



Presbyterian Women (PW) Thank Offering Envelopes

The PW Thank Offering envelopes have been placed in the pews and will be collected in the offering plates through mid-December. This year’s offerings benefit 10 organizations, eight domestic, two international. It will support projects such as low-income home repair and housing, disability programs, cancer patient support, as well as projects in Haiti and Lebanon.

333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322
(757) 547-4706
(757) 549-4303
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Great Bridge Presbyterian Church © 2016 - website design by Minuteman Press Web Design
333 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322
(757) 547-4706
(757) 549-4303
Great Bridge Presbyterian Church © 2016 - website design by Minuteman Press Web Design