Contemporary Worship Team Volunteers Need!
Do you have a heart for contemporary worship?
Do you sing or play and instrument?
Rehearsals: Thursdays at 6 PM
Please contact, Cathy Sturgeon, and fill out the interest form.
Calling all youth, middle and high school age students to be a part of our new Youth Worship Team!
Do you sing or play an instrument? Invite your friends! You do not have to be a member of Great Bridge Presbyterian Church to participate.
Contact Cathy Sturgeon, and fill out this interest form.
The Chancel Choir needs VOLUNTEERS!
We are searching for sopranos, altos, tenors and basses to serve the Lord through singing. The choir has been privileged to make four international singing mission trips and has worked with many well-known sacred music composers, including: John Behnke, Mark Hayes, Hal H. Hopson, John Leavitt, Joseph Martin and David Schwoebel, to name a few. Their annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas is a much-anticipated community and church event. We would love to have you join us!
Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7 pm – 8:30 pm.
CLICK HERE to join the choir online!
Contact Billye Brown Youmans:
Join the Harmonious Flutes Choir!
Do you read music, play the flute and want to to serve God through music? Then join us! We play in worship once each month and offer a Christmas Eve concert prior to the 8:00 pm Candlelight Communion Service. It is inter-generational and fun! You must own your own flute. Good, basic technique needed for this group. High school age and up!
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 6:30-7:15 pm
Contact Billye Brown Youmans,
Join the Alleluia Ringers Choir!
The Great Bridge Presbyterian handbell choir rings 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and chimes regularly in worship. Music reading and a commitment to service is a must. This is an intergenerational group. Currently we have several openings for experienced handbell ringers. Please contact Billye if you are interested,
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7:15 pm—8:30 pm
Contact Billye Brown Youmans,
Deacons are responsible for providing pastoral care and support to the members of the church. This may involve visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound members, offering prayers, providing comfort, and meeting practical needs within the congregation. All members and non-members of the congregation, not in small group, should have a deacon assigned. If you don’t have a deacon, have not been contacted by a deacon, and are not in a small group, please reach out to Dave Randall, at darandall24@gmail.comand he will assign you a deacon.
Seeking Office Volunteers
We are currently seeking a pool of volunteers to assist with office tasks and coverage. Tasks would include greeting visitors, answering phones and light clerical work.
Please email Tara Vitek if interested.
Ushers and Greeters are Needed for the 11:00 Service
If you are willing to help, please contact the church office, 757.547.4706.
Volunteers Needed for Welcome Desk & Door Greeters
If you love meeting and greeting people and helping them with their needs, please sign up to help.
Remember, “You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”- Will Rogers
If interested, contact Betty Vecchiolla,, or Rose Rogers,
Sunday Morning Youth Group Adult Leaders Needed!
Weekly Meetings begin March 5th at 9:30am in the Youth Lounge for Youth from 6th to 12th grade. Email for more information about volunteering or sign up HERE.
Sanctuary Servants Needed!
Volunteers are needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday worship services on Friday mornings. Please click HERE to sign up!
Sanctuary Flowers Needed
Please help us adorn our beautiful sanctuary on Sundays with fresh floral arrangements which can be dedicated to loved ones.
After the worship services, the fresh flowers are divided into separate bouquets and delivered by deacons to church members who may be ill or in need of a special gesture of kindness and/or appreciation from the church. We have been able to lower the cost to $75, and the donation envelopes and forms for dedication are located on the Information ledge outside the Fellowship Hall. You can also order Chancel Flowers HERE. Thank you!
Join our Sunday School and Nursery team!
Help us train our children. GBPC is looking to hire two nursery workers for Sundays 9am – 12pm, beginning IMMEDIATELY. Anyone interested please contact Joy Rowe at NOTE: Our Personnel Policy requires a background check for all persons working with children and youth. Click HERE to volunteer for Sunday School. Click HERE to volunteer in the nursery.
Nursery Volunteers Needed
We still need nursery volunteers! Please contact Joy Rowe at 540.420.4896 if you are willing to help out.
Communion Volunteer Teams Needed (In Service)
Communion Preparation, Communion Servers/Ushers, and Communion Cleanup. Any ordained elder or deacon, whether or not the person is currently serving, may serve communion. In addition
to serving communion, we are in need of volunteers for communion preparation. This involves purchasing bread and juice, preparing the trays, setting the table with cloths and candles (all done on Friday). Lastly, volunteers are needed for communion cleanup after services. Training will be provided for all who volunteer to serve on one of the communion teams. You do not need to be an ordained elder or deacon to volunteer for communion preparation or communion cleanup.
It is truly an honor to serve in such an important and sacred church sacrament–we hope you will consider being part of preparing our sanctuary for communion service the first Sunday of each month. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Elder Bob Wilks at, (757)373-2446.
Communion Volunteer Teams Needed (Homebound)
The Lord’s Supper for Homebound Members. Both your Session and your Deacons have been trained in the administration of the extension of the Lord’s Supper to homebound members. If you, or someone you are aware of, is homebound and interested in celebrating and participating in the extension of the Lord’s Supper, or if you have been ordained as either a Deacon or Elder and are interested in providing an opportunity for our homebound members to participate in this sign and seal of our communion with Christ, please contact Wayne Stover at or Bob Wilks at
The GBPC Garden Ministry volunteers have the spring vegetable garden underway and last week harvested radishes and garlic. They also prepared a raised bed and planted butternut squash and cucumbers. All vegetables grown throughout the summer are delivered to House of Blessing for distribution to the poor and needy.
The Building and Grounds volunteer team is working hard to maintain our beautiful church building and grounds. In the past few weeks, they have cleaned leaves off the roof, replaced gas pipe supports, remounted lightning rods and cleaned out roof drains.
If you would like to join either of these volunteer teams, please contact Mike Boron at (757) 600-7369.
Hello from your small group facilitators! We are very excited to begin learning about the existing GBPC small groups as we work to continue the growth of this very important ministry. We need your help! Our goal is to learn how to best support existing groups and to grow new groups. As we organize, we want to hear and learn from you what has and hasn’t worked in your small group ministry.
If you are a small group leader (new or veteran) or the contact person for a small group, or if you are interested in starting a new small group, please, please reach out and contact one of us. Once we have compiled an accurate list of the current groups, we will determine the best way to share all your cumulative knowledge and utilize it to be better prepared for the growth the spirit is moving through GBPC. As leaders of small groups, you know firsthand the importance of this ministry to a re-emerging, growing church and its newer members. We look forward to hearing from you. Johanna Jozwiak,, 989-430-6766 or Dick Graham,, 910-612-1135.
Many hands make light work – Adopt a Flower Bed at GBPC!
We are blessed to have extensive flower beds around the church’s property which require weeding and maintenance.
If you, your family, small group or friends are interested in volunteering to take care of one area, contact Building & Grounds Elder Mike Boron at Thanks!